Green M’mouck

Context and Justification

               Green M’mouck is an initiative developed by operation green space with goal to address the degradation phenomenon of the M’muock ecosystem. This project was launched in 2016 with a small grant from HRH Chief Fotenkiang and wife of the U.S.A but due insufficient funding the project went on a stand still.

               Operation Green Space and GREEN STEP .e.V Germany in February 2019 entered a one year Memorandum of understanding to continue the implementation of the project activities.

Problem Statement

             In the late 1990s M’muock use to have streams with high volumes sufficient to carry a person of 60kg in the dry season but unfortunately this streams are no were to be found even at the middle of the raining season. This is as a result of agricultural practices, poorly suited for the M’muock landscape and an increase quest for farming land has lead farmers farming right deep into water bodies causing them dry up.

Green M’muock is expected to plant trees around these water catchments while sensitizing the population on best practices to conserve the M’muock ecosystem.

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