OGS Programs

To fight and mitigate the effects of climate change, we run the following programs

1. Sustainable Livelihood

We create awareness and promote both local and global environment and socio-economic issues created by deforestation and unsustainable  agriculture and the potential of trees to rehabilitate degraded land, combat climate change and generate livelihood benefits

2. Re-afforestation

We engage in nursing young environmentally friendly trees and providing them to local communities. We equally map out some areas and engage in massive tree planting campaigns. This is to fight against deforestation, land degradation, and desertification.

3. Natural Resources Management

We assist communities in the management of natural resources, maintain the unique ecology, through conservation and the protection of biodiversity. We also help indigenous population to improve their livelihoods in local communities through the sustainable use of natural resources to improve food security and nutrition.

4. Water and Sanitation

We work at helping local communities to preserve water sources through planting trees on the watersheds, avoid farming close to water sources and how to solve the problem of water pollution.

5. Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Agriculture has an venomous environmental footprint.It is simultaneously causing environmental changes . Human population is increasing and thus more mouth to be fed where potential agriculture is the solution. We assist communities with focus on the socially excluded to have access and control over properties while focusing on food security and health. We assist communities in the management of natural resources, maintain the unique ecology, through conservation and the protection of biodiversity. We also help inhabitants to improve their livelihoods in local communities through the sustainable use of forest and it’s resources to improve food security and nutrition.

6. Community Assistance

We assist communities with focus on the socially excluded population,conflict affected areas and inhabitants of disaster affected zones to have access and control over properties while focusing on food security and health. We also give material assistance to underprivileged members of local communities so as to reduce the pressure on forest resources to meet their basic needs.

7. Sustainability for Schools

We work with schools to help them gain Educational awareness and engagement about the environment. We provide educational resources to help schools plan simple fun lessons about the importance of protecting nature. We sensitize students and pupils about how trees affect the 6 pillars which are: water, biodiversity, economy, health and climate.

8. The Mount Bamboutos Initiative

The Mount Bamboutos Initiative (MBI) is a project for the restoration of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function of Mount Bamboutos in Western Cameroon. It is a joint initiative of the environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF), Cameroon and the International Tree Foundation (ITF), UK as well as the International Union for the Conversation of Nature (IUCN) in partnership with the government Cameroon. Operation green space (OGS) is the implementing partner in the SW sector of the project which constitute 1 division 2 Subdivisions and 3 Villages. Alou subdivision, Wabane sub division, M’muock Fosimardi,  M’muock Mbi, Bamumbu. Learn more…

9. Green M'muock

Green M’mouck is an initiative developed by operation green space with goal to address the degradation phenomenon of the M’muock ecosystem. This project was launched in 2016 with a small grant from HRH Chief Fotenkiang and wife of the U.S.A but due insufficient funding the project went on a stand still.

Operation Green Space and Green Stop e.v Germany in January 2019 entered a one Memorandum of understanding to continue the implementation of the project activities. Learn more…

10. Environmental Sanitation

The local population are left with no option than to dump their waste especially non bio degradable plastic garbage due to the lack of recycling facilities and garbage collection schemes.This is because the local population are reluctant of health risk and ecosystem degradation. We help local councils partly in cleaning the environment as well as educating them on devastating effects of environmental pollution through our environmental clean up campaigns known to us as “My environment my health” .

Please join us to save our planet